It is a federation of 14 associations which provide assistance to crime victims. It was established in 2010 and became associate member of Victim Support Europe in 2011.
Its ultimate objective is to support Crime Victim Support Centres [Ośrodki Pomocy dla osób Pokrzywdzonych Przestępstwem] and other institutions operating for crime victims, which includes technical and logistic help; development and propagation of initiatives, attitudes and activities related to the execution of crime victims’ rights; dissemination of content-related information by means of educational, scientific and journalistic activities; creation, activation and support of organizations and social groups to counteract delinquency; building public-private partnerships to prevent crime and develop an integrated system of assistance to the victims; promotion and organization of volunteer services and institutions of assistance to the victims; sharing good practice within Poland and abroad over activities implemented to victims’ benefit; propagation and implementation of uniform standards of assistance to crime victims.
The federation pursues its statutory objectives basing upon cooperation with state administration, local governments and non-governmental organizations.
Contact address:
Energetyków 10,
70-656 Szczecin
tel. 0048 91 4 330 339, mobile: 0048 697 803 070, fax 0048 91 431 81 26